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Ending the Homework Gap in 2025

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Opening Doors for New Hampshire Learners

NCDE hopes with your kind help to put at least 500 computers in the hands of lower-income learners at the K12, afterschool adult education and workforce development levels for those in schools and programs that do not have a “one-to-one” program, and so need home access to a computer to develop essential digital and cybersafety skills and do their homework.

For more about why your donation of any amount will make a greatly needed and powerful difference, watch this short video.

In partnership with the NH Society for Technology in Education, NH Afterschool Network, and NH Coalition for Business and Education, NCDE , a tax-exempt New Hampshire based nonprofit, is coordinating this campaign to put computers in learners’ hands, in conjunction with support from their educators to ensure they use these powerful tools safely and successfully.

For more information, please contact Dr. Bob McLaughlin, executive director, via 1.802.249.1159, [email protected], or

We are proud and grateful to work with these wonderful computer providers who have agreed to offer discounted pricing and to bundle the computers at no cost with links on their desktops to powerful free inclusion resources – such as NH 211, free Bank On checking accounts, financial literacy resources, and Consumer Reports’ stellar cybersafety skills toolset: Bluum, CDW, Connection, and SWA Connect.