ABIDE Leaders Network

National ABIDE Leaders Network
(Accessibility, Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity & Equity)
Bringing DEI leaders together at all levels, across key dimensions of inclusion, for greater impact on poverty
There are countless initiatives that seek to enable low-income individuals, families and communities to climb out of intergenerational poverty, efforts which benefit greatly from DEI leaders who are from these backgrounds, fluent in the challenges, approaches, resources and opportunities for self-determination.
The aim of the National ABIDE Leaders Network is not to duplicate any existing DEI leadership network, but to encourage and assist them to know about, leverage and support one another in amplifying their invaluable but often siloed efforts. For example, the Hunt Institute and its recently launched national network of state DEI leaders have kindly agreed to collaborate in bringing to the table as many DEI leaders as possible in shaping, implementing, formatively assessing, and holding accountable for impacts on intergenerational poverty, federal, Community Reinvestment and other initiatives for digital equity, economic inclusion and the like. The National Association for Multicultural Education has joined to bring the voice of culturally, linguistically, racially and ethnically diverse students and the educators who serve them to efforts to foster digital, educational, economic and financial inclusion.
Similarly, the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition has joined ABIDE, as the leader of both their statewide Bank On coalition in Oklahoma and of the only nationwide Bank On coalition. ONAC fosters financial empowerment for the nation’s Native American communities.
DEI leaders at all levels (local, state, regional and national) across different inclusion dimensions (financial, economic, educational, digital, health, housing, food/nutrition, etc.) can connect freely through Inclusion Junction, searching by any field (name, organization, location, inclusion dimension, etc.) and then send private messages with one click to individuals or groups resulting from one’s search.
Through this toolset, made possible through support from JPMorgan Chase, NCDE and our partners are committed to facilitating greater collaboration among DEI leadership groups and between these and others dedicated to significantly impacting intergenerational poverty.