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Want to Partner? Make a Difference in NH!

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Want to partner? Make a difference in NH!

Make a difference in New Hampshire’s future by partnering with the New Hampshire Registered Education Apprenticeship Program.

Financial Needs

Your help is needed to support this educator apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. Government is supporting a few programs, but does not support overall coordination to address these issues and needs.

What is funding needed to support?

  1. Overall coordination of statewide educator apprenticeship programs (is not currently part of funding streams, limiting access for potential students during a time of teacher shortages.
  2. Marketing and communications to recruit future educators into the program.
  3. Coordinated support for future educators including how to access to systems that become overwhelming if not coordinated, and mentoring to aid them in graduating from college successfully.
  4. Funds to aid colleges and universities to reform/update their systems to allow for dual credit, alignment of curriculum between community colleges and universities, combined courses to streamline and add meaning to the coursework, etc., to meet the needs of the “new” future educators
  5. Tutoring for students in order to pass the numerous Praxis tests that are a requirement beyond the required coursework of a college to earn a teacher license.
  6. Supports for students during their student teaching (universities require that students not work outside jobs while student teaching) or this requirement results in unrealistic expectations for learning without earning.

Current Partners and their Roles

The following chart outlines our current partners and their roles. A broad coalition is needed. NH REAP needs partners from business, government, labor, faith-based, and community in order to build the public education system by addressing the need for licensed educators.

Names of Partners Type of Organization & Purpose
National Education Association New Hampshire Education Labor Union – State
(program and training) –
workforce development
Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH)
Apprenticeship New Hampshire
Education Partner
(state lead for USDOL apprenticeship funds) – dual credit for high school program

Industry Partner
(state lead for USDOL Apprenticeship Funds)

Private and Public Colleges
(New England College)
Post-Secondary Education Partner –
streamlining the system and dual credit
P12 Schools-Career and Technical Education Centers
(Concord School District, SAU 8)
CTE and PK-12 education links
(funding source and coordination)
P12 School District
(Administrative Unit 21)
PK-12 education links
(funding source and coordination)
Educators Rising of New Hampshire
(high school program)
Education Industry Partner
National Network of State Teachers of the Year National education association
(education, expertise, mentoring)
Bank On through NCDE Business Partner
(financial education)
International Institute of New Hampshire Diversity Partner
Great School Partnerships Diversity Partner
Welcoming New Hampshire Diversity Partner
NH After School Network Education Industry Partner